The Seven New Realities of Air Service Planning
We’ve pointed it out before.
Every form of communication has changed over the past 30 years, including the structure, economics and mission applications of air transportation.
We hear – accurately – about the challenges some communities face in assuring connectivity to the global air transportation network. In some cases of truly rural communities – fewer than typically thought – it really is a situation where the economics of air service simply do not work.
Nevertheless, this should not overshadow the fact that the air transportation system on the whole in the US faces very robust growth and a robust increase in global connectivity.
But it will be airports that are willing to ditch old thinking and toss out obsolete methodologies that will have the advantage.
There are new fleets coming on line, and new airline strategies, that illuminate several areas where airports and communities need to shift focus and shift air service planning. Now.
At Boyd Group International, we’ve compiled the Seven New Realities In Air Service Planning for communities to understand and pursue to take advantage of the evolving air transportation system.
Things like how geographic leakage concepts are inaccurate and outdated… why accommodation of international traffic flows, even at small airports will be important… understanding that raw DOT/BTS data are a roadmap into the planning weeds… how small jet retirements in the next five years will actually be positive for small and mid-size airports, and the need to deal with air service misconceptions, particularly from the media.
The Seven New Realities In Air Service Planning deals with some sacred cows (hamburgers, anyone?) and outlines how airports can get ahead of their competition for new and enhanced air service.
The report is just about 6 pages and an easy but insightful read. It will suggest new ways of approaching the challenge of optimizing the advantages of the emerging air transportation system. And it’s an example of the type of approach that we’ll be seeing at the 24th International Aviation Forecast Summit in Las Vegas, August 25-27.
To download your complimentary copy of The Seven New Realities In Air Service Planning , just click here.