Since 1984, The Thought-Leader In Aviation Consulting
If you’re planning for the future, Boyd Group International should be a part of it. We’re different – by design.
The future belongs to those who actively and aggressively anticipate changes. Those who refuse to run with the pack. It is they who will thrive in the new aviation environment.
That is precisely what sets Boyd Group International apart. We develop aggressive futurist strategic planning initiatives that fundamentally refocus and realign airports, airlines, manufacturers, suppliers and financial organizations for the new opportunities emerging in all areas of the industry, in the USA and internationally.
Our track record is one that no other consultant can match – or even get close to. That’s because we are at the forefront of aviation trends… when our clients call, we’re ready.
First study – in 1986 – of the effects of “code sharing” between then independent regional airlines and major carriers. The Department of Transportation issued a doctored study, claiming no downside to competition as a result of code-sharing. BGI saw it differently, projecting that once a code-share agreement was signed, the regional carrier ceded all control over its route system and its future. Today, that entire independent air transportation system – and most of its players – have been subsumed into major carrier systems, instead of the future possibility of growing and expanding. BGI was alone in calling this as it was.
First analyses of the concept of the “regional jet.” BGI was virtually alone in 1989 in illuminating the potential of a fast 50-seat turbojet airliner platform, as proposed by Canadair and Embraer. At the time, the “consensus” was that due to higher fuel burn, such aircraft would not be competitive with existing turboprops. They ignored the revenue productivity of the new concept. We illuminated it.
First to project the end of “regional jet” demand. By 2003, now that it was obvious, the general consensus was that 50-seat jets were a permanent factor in the airline industry. But our forecasts indicated that the global need for 50-seat jets – and the larger variants of the platform – was mostly satisfied, and demand would tail off materially. That is precisely what happened. By 2005, 50-seat jets were essentially out of production. Larger variants of the Bombardier CRJ series also saw declines in demand. The last of these were delivered to SkyWest Airlines on March 5, 2021.
First in the forum of international issues. In 2009, BGI was the first to independently analyze the potential for air traffic between the U.S. and Cuba. The conclusion was that unless there was a complete change of government, there was no substantial demand – because there was no Cuban economy, per se. In 2014, after the Obama Administration renewed ties with the Castro regime, our study was updated and concluded that the rosy expectations of thousands of new tourists and hundreds of millions in business opportunity were based on completely non-factual data. There still was – and continues to be – no economic business base in Cuba. This was a surprise to the airlines that rushed in, paid substantial sums in “fees” and found it to be a sea of red ink.
We’re Different From Other Consultants… By Design
We‘re Different In Visioning The Future. We assist our clients in developing new perspectives and implementing initiative-based thinking to achieve clear, defined objectives, optimizing the changes in the air transportation sector – evolutionary and episodic trends that other sources completely ignore. Over the last three decades, it has been BGI in the lead, keeping our clients there, too.
We’re Different In Exploring New Aviation Dynamics. We recognize that “today” quickly becomes “yesterday” right along with the consensus thinking. We are at the forefront, whether it has been the first independent forecasts of “regional jets,” or assisting Embraer in the market feasibility research for what is today the E-175/195 platform, or prompting congressional hearings based on our studies of the ATC system, or accurate projections of air traffic potential based on new airline strategies. We lead our clients into the future.
We’re Different In Research. We don’t accept ambient thinking. We abhor “consensus” concepts. We are today the leader in aviation forecasting – based on independent analyses outside of “traditional” sources that only trend line the past.
The future won’t wait. The BGI team is ready. Click here to let us know your specific strategic objectives and to set up an time we can discuss how our team can partner in achieving them.