In Aviation, If You’re Comfortable Where You Are,
You’re Falling Behind.
Aviation consulting today is mostly focused on assisting clients in understanding the present, instead of challenging the future.
Boyd Group International is different. We assist clients in accommodating and optimizing the future. It’s a lot more challenging than it appears, because it usually means illuminating new changes that threaten the status-quo, usually running counter to consensus thinking. It means being different. It means sometimes not accommodating what people would prefer to hear.
We’re different because we know – and our clients know – that aviation planning cannot be a popularity contest. Threatening ambient thinking – threatening accepted norms – also threatens comfort zones.
Thought-Leadership Library
Boyd Group International is at the forefront of aviation research. And not only do we have a consulting results track record to prove it, but we’ve got the library of thought-leadership to prove it.
The Monday Insight
Since 1997, aviation leaders have logged on to this site to view our Monday Insight. Now with over 1,000 articles exploring industry issues and questioning ambient thinking, every week we tackle an area the most other analysts won’t touch for fear of stepping beyond consensus thinking.
To get a view of how we